Most of the drivers are able to master
novice feel the steering wheel and take lightly. They rush down to the highway,
causing a danger to themselves and other road users. Actually, there are many
things to consider when you are still a novice rider or a driver's car. But
with regular practice and coupled with your flying hours, of course it would
not be difficult. Coupled with review tips learning to drive a car following
your workout will certainly be more focused so that eventually you become
quickly proficient and skilled in driving and driving a car.
Pray before running the vehicle. Give your body and mind a
break with enough sleep before you drive your vehicle. Always remember also to
avoid the consumption of drugs or alcohol when they want to go driving.
Practice first ground airy. Find airy place in your area,
could field, vacant land, etc. Learn the basic techniques such as turning on
and turning off the engine. Running the car forward and backward, turn right,
turn left. Make it too complex variations of basic exercises that you quickly
adept at driving a car. Do not just circling the field. For example, practicing
gearshift between 1st gear, 2nd gear and 3rd gear until smooth. Draw a line to
practice walking straight. Also create a marker to learn to fit the car body
when turning or parking.
Launch shifting gears in a manual car. The novice rider
generally not fluent in moving the gear teeth. There are still thinking before
shifting gears. There are still looking towards the gears. Of course it while
driving may cause distraction. Another case, someone forgot the clutch. All
that would be able to jeopardize the safety of themselves and others. If it is
used, shifting gears will certainly become a reflex without thinking first.

It's good to know some more about the workings of the clutch
and gas your car. Look for a slightly uphill terrain, and train your feeling
that the car is not moving backward, without you hit the brake pedal and pull
the hand brake lever. Try to keep quiet stable car, only with a capital of the
clutch pedal and the gas pedal. This technique will be very useful later. The
thing to remember, do not ever take off the clutch when you've stopped until
you actually had to neutralize the tooth or teeth positioned at zero because
the car will surely soar.
For beginners is very important to choose the right car. The
point is this, you can just choose a car pick up to learn to drive a car.
Pickup has a body that is small, you will certainly be easier driving. In
addition to learning reverse parking a car pick up to give you the flexibility
to look back. But when you change cars are larger and do not provide
flexibility to look back, of course you will have trouble. In contrast, if you
are from the beginning to learn the car with a big body. When you're skilled,
changing the size of a smaller car would be very easy for you. It was just an
idea for consideration, the decision is certainly up to you.
Choose routes or streets which you are familiar. With the
terrain you already know certainly help you in driving. You know where there is
a traffic light, intersection, there are potholes, know also where a rotating
direction. Street field that you know will make you safer and quieter driving.
Familiarize shall control the steering wheel with two hands.
Even if you have still, do not get used to driving with one hand except when
you move the gear teeth. After that? Restore your left hand to the wheel.
Driving with one hand is very dangerous, especially if the car has not power steering.
That is why it is forbidden to drive while receiving a phone. Besides being able
to disrupt the concentration, the strength of the hand is not strong enough if
at any time be swerved.
Remove footwear for comfort. This is what I do with my feet
when driving, namely by removing footwear. Barefoot, I'm easier to step on and
regulate the pressure on the pedals, both the gas pedal, brake pedal or clutch
pedal. This method is also appropriate for novice drivers, to remove footwear,
your feet will be trained to recognize where the gas pedal, pedal, brake and
clutch pedals. Novice riders often mixed up when you press the gas pedal and
brake pedal. Be careful.
Adjust the seat position. Adjust the size of your body.
Adjust the rearview mirror also right and left, as well as rearview mirror in
accordance with the position of your seat. Create as comfortable as possible,
good posture, and your view through the rearview mirror. If you want to listen
to the radio or CD, should be set before you start the trip. Setting things
like that when the vehicle has been running will be dangerous.
You should be more careful when overtaking, do not push
yourself if the available space is too cramped. If you hesitate to take the
road while trying to overtake, you should not overtake. You also must yield to
the vehicle with the number of wheels less.
Familiarize yourself with the rearview mirror. If you want
to turn / lanes / overtaking habit to always turn on the turn signal and see
the rearview first. Also keep an eye on while on the road left side of the car
so as not grazed motorcyclist or other vehicle on the left side of the car.
Its main focus towards the front if you are driving a car
toward the front. Look towards the side and rear view mirrors is important to
know the circumstances, but not for too long glued to the rearview mirror for
the safety of your driving. Likewise, if you're walking backwards, focus the
rearview mirror or glass behind you and do not be too long glued to the
Get used to keep the distance between your car with a
vehicle in front of you. It is very important to anticipate vehicle brake
suddenly. Especially if you are still in the category of novice rider. Your
reflexes may not have been good enough to anticipate the situation.
Do not drive over the speed limit of normal and well-adjusted
with the current traffic conditions. When running at high speed, it's hard to
anticipate if there are bad things that happen. For example, when your car
tires burst. Passing through the hole at high speed can make the wheel turn
himself. Bringing the car at high speed for beginners is also not good,
especially when passing through winding, sandy road, a wet road is slippery due
to rain,
Be sure not to violate technical regulations, and do not ever
violate traffic regulations. For the safety and comfort of you and the other
drivers around you. Drive patiently, and when you and the person in the car is
going down, either at rest, and after arriving at the destination, never to
leave valuables in the car. This is to prevent the occurrence of crime and
other things that are not desirable. That tips on learning to drive a manual
car for beginners. For those of you who are learning to drive a car. Lab Automotive
Nice blog… Thanks for sharing woderful information…
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